Starting from the analysis of customer needs, technical issues and forecasting of people to be involved, Mpartner identifies the organization chart that best suits the project and on that basis provides a “dedicated” team whose management is entrusted to a partner of the Company itself in order to control and facilitate dialogue with the Client.
In addition to the “partners”, whose specific profiles allow you to respond with determination in performing the various tasks, the company has its own specialized staff in different fields (design, administrative management, operational management, security and quality) that integrates all functions in the established organization chart.

Mpartner believes in the quality of work and the shared approach and control measures required to ensure that business quality processes, or specific job processes, are implemented and monitored. Therefore, Mpartner has a set of operational and articulated procedures for the areas of intervention required by the assignment, aimed at planning the activities (design plan, shopping plan, work scheduling etc.), controls (design checks, advancements, execution controls, etc.) and reporting.
Fundamental principle of Mpartner are also the principles of correctness, ethics and transparency of all decision-making and business processes.
Therefore, the activities carried out by Mpartner are carried out in accordance with the quality system according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, cat. EA:34, as certified SGS n. IT14/0986 and to the Code of Ethics.